-------------------------------------------- Help with HTML HyperEdit ------------------------------------------- All commands are accessible from the one screen, by pressing appropriate control buttons that appear on the bottom of the screen. Try the HTML tutorial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information depends on the type of service that you wish to create the link to. The port is automatically selected depending on the service you select. You can change this if you wish. Once you entered the relevant information, click COMPOSE URL. This will compose the URL based on the link. Then click OK. You may edit the URL before clicking ok. The Gopher type is currently a kludge. It was put together quickly and I need to do some more work. You can always manually change the URL if you don't like it. Its worked (so far) for me! The types of services are: 1. HTTP/WWW: fill out host, port, path, and optionally an anchor. 2. Telnet: Host and optional username 3. News: enter the name of the newsgroup 4. FTP: the host, directory and filename (optional) of the file 5. Local file: Brings up a dialog box to allow you to select the file. NB: to select a directory, select a file within that directory and remove the file from the URL after composing. 6. Gopher: host, port, path, filename and select the type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. SEARCH/REPLACE: Best to leave the default switched. Will perform a search/replace on current document. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve.